
I just took a quick look at your tag.  Nice work.  I see that you write
directly to the CF spool directory and that you require the passing of the
SMTP server name to the tag (or else you try to pull this info from the
registry).  Looks like this is used only to build the 'x-cf-...' headers.
Are those headers necessary for CF to pick up the message from its spool?
Also, is there no way to implement this just using CFMAIL, for systems where
access to tags like CFFILE are restricted?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jochem van Dieten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 12:43 PM
Subject: cf_advancedemail version 2 beta testing

> Hi all,
> just wanted to announce that cf_advancedemail version 2 has gone to beta
> and that I could use some help with testing.
> What is cf_advancedemail?
> cf_advancedemail is a custom tag that lets you send email in both plain
> text and HTML, and include images in the email message, so the images
> are also available when the reader is off-line.
> Does it work?
>  From my server (CF 4.5.2 SP2 on NT) to Mozilla and Outlook it does. For
> the rest I don't know, and that is where I need help.
> How expensive is it?
> Free. BSD licence, so you are even allowed to use this tag in a project
> you sell to a customer without having to pay anything. (For version 1
> you had to pay in the past, but no more.)
> How does it work?
> In its simplest form it works like this:
> <cf_advancedemail from="me@domain" to="you@domain">
>    <cf_advancedemailparam URL="url" tempdir="path">
> </cf_advancedemail>
> This would send an email in both plain text and HTML with all that is at
> the URL, and all images references at the URL. More advanced options
> include specifying a different plaintext and HTML text, cache control,
> advanced previewing etc.
> How can I help?
> Download the tag, install it and try it. I am especially looking for
> people who can test it on Solaris, HP-UX and Linux.
> The other thing is that if you have a really exotic email client you can
> send me an email (off-list) and I will send you a test message and you
> can tell me how it looks.
> Where to get it?
> Thanx,
> Jochem
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