tom muck wrote:

> It sounds very interesting.   Does the tag have any mechanism in place to
> avoid conflicts with the <cfmail> tag, such as if they were to both execute
> at the same time and attempt to write to the spool folder?

Documentation copy-paste:

"Note to ISP's

To my knowledge this tag entails no security issues other than those 
related to CFMAIL. Due to the different filename format there is ZERO 
POSSIBILTY for this email to overwrite email send by CFMAIL that might 
be residing in the spooldir."

To be specific: cf_advancedemail uses
<cfset filename = RandRange(100000,999999)&".cfmail">
while cfmail has some sort of XXXX.cfmail format with X = hex.

> I may have to look into it writing to my own mail server spool directory
> rather than the ColdFusion mail spool directory to avoid the 65,535 email
> limit of CF.  Have you tried anything like this?

With this tag it is not limited anymore (at least not to 65536, I 
wouldn't bet on something above half a million without modifying the 
code). There are other limitations in the use of the CFMAIL spooldir 
(single threaded, only one SMTP server) but I will be happy to write 
something if somebody can come up with the specifics.
Probably some sort of "format" attribute, which could be "IIS SMTP" or 
"MDAEMON" or whatever, together with a manually specified spooldir would 

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