
You know what would make this even more useful? If there was a "DELAY"
value somewhere in there. So when sending huge volume mailings we could
break them down into timed chunks like we were talking about last week.

So say:

 VOLUME    = 20000
 DELAY     = -1

Would send out 20k messages and then wait until the spool was empty to
send the next 20k, all the way until the end of the query.

 VOLUME    = 20000
 DELAY     = 600

That would send out 20k messages every 600 seconds. Delay of 0 would just
be no delay at all. Sound like something you could build in? I've been
trying to do a custom version of this for the past week and failing
miserably. =P

WebTY's, The Educated Choice.

On Sat, 3 Nov 2001, Paris Lundis wrote:

> something else kind of struck me when looking at your tag documentation...
> you are writing to the spool directory :) good...
> Now a lot of people have been on the list complaining about CF and its
> inability to manage large volume mailings... without disk issues, bugs,
> slowness, etc...
> I was wondering if you or anyone else had looked at the actual MAIL SPOOL on
> your mail server...  Here is my next generation concept for your program and
> people developing mail stuff with regard to customized volume oriented
> programs...
> 1. Run the query..
> 2. Construct the messages.
> 3. Rather than parsing to the spool directory:
>       A. format the output to meet the standard mail specification.
>       B. Parse the completed specification emailing to the mail servers outgoing
> directory...
> Anyone done anything like this?
> We run Mdaemon which is plain text files in directories just like CF...  the
> specification would be simple to duplicate without documentation... Most of
> the other programs like SLMAIL and other 3rd party use text file format...
> not sure about Microsofts que...
> Anyone think such an approach might be worth investing time to attempt???
> At any such point that this were to work, one would only be limited by the
> power of their email servers to send mail out...
> Maybe all that is obvious... Additionally, note, that this wouldn't work in
> situations where your email server is a shared resource of your hosting
> company/isp... I doubt they really support people parsing out volumes of
> email to their servers anyways :)
> -paris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paris Lundis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 14:49
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: cf_advancedemail version 2 beta testing
> looks good :)
> We will test it over this weekend likely...
> -paris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 14:44
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: cf_advancedemail version 2 beta testing
> Hi all,
> just wanted to announce that cf_advancedemail version 2 has gone to beta
> and that I could use some help with testing.
> What is cf_advancedemail?
> cf_advancedemail is a custom tag that lets you send email in both plain
> text and HTML, and include images in the email message, so the images
> are also available when the reader is off-line.
> Does it work?
>  From my server (CF 4.5.2 SP2 on NT) to Mozilla and Outlook it does. For
> the rest I don't know, and that is where I need help.
> How expensive is it?
> Free. BSD licence, so you are even allowed to use this tag in a project
> you sell to a customer without having to pay anything. (For version 1
> you had to pay in the past, but no more.)
> How does it work?
> In its simplest form it works like this:
> <cf_advancedemail from="me@domain" to="you@domain">
>    <cf_advancedemailparam URL="url" tempdir="path">
> </cf_advancedemail>
> This would send an email in both plain text and HTML with all that is at
> the URL, and all images references at the URL. More advanced options
> include specifying a different plaintext and HTML text, cache control,
> advanced previewing etc.
> How can I help?
> Download the tag, install it and try it. I am especially looking for
> people who can test it on Solaris, HP-UX and Linux.
> The other thing is that if you have a really exotic email client you can
> send me an email (off-list) and I will send you a test message and you
> can tell me how it looks.
> Where to get it?
> Thanx,
> Jochem
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