Bryant Tyson wrote:

> Jochem,
> You know what would make this even more useful? If there was a "DELAY"
> value somewhere in there. So when sending huge volume mailings we could
> break them down into timed chunks like we were talking about last week.
> So say:
>  VOLUME    = 20000
>  DELAY     = -1
> Would send out 20k messages and then wait until the spool was empty to
> send the next 20k, all the way until the end of the query.
>  VOLUME    = 20000
>  DELAY     = 600
> That would send out 20k messages every 600 seconds. Delay of 0 would just
> be no delay at all. Sound like something you could build in? I've been
> trying to do a custom version of this for the past week and failing
> miserably. =P

No. Since the tag doesn't handle any query loops or something (you have 
to place it in a cfloop manually) the tag is utterly unaware of being 
called in a loop. Also, unless you use some sort of cf_wait tag which 
still eats up a thread anyway it would seriously mess up all build in 
caching mechanisms because they are based on the request scope.

But because the tag uses a different file format handling a large amount 
of email should be possible (I just need to make that part failsafe, it 
is currently possible that something goes quite wrong there, not sending 
out any email at all, but I already have the code for that in one of my 
other customtags).

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