> 1.Fusebox is a coding methodology. It's like picking a certain writing
> style. It trys to maximize code reuse by structuring the way you write
> code. It also lends itself to self documentation.

I've seen most of the presentations on www.fusebox.org
and understand what Fusebox is (otherwise I really wouldn't
be considering learning it!!) - I was more after opinions about
using it from people who have some depth of experience
with it - pros and cons type of thing.

> 2.there is a great book on fusebox called.... 'Fusebox: mothodology and
> techniques' by steve nelson and craig girard.

I know this book is around - I had just read so-so to bad
reviews on Amazon.com. You say it's great - why? Any
other opinions?

Thanks for any feedback,

- Gyrus

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 
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