
I thought I would post some thoughts for you in regards to Fusebox.  I have
been using Cold Fusion for almost 2 years now, and in fact in the alst year
I have been heavy into it.  I started using fusebox about 5 months ago and
it is so awesome.  It provides so much organization and flow to your
applications, it is well worth the investment in time that it takes to get
somfortable with it.  One thing I really like is the whole idea of how you
can plug in new circuits in about 2 minutes...meaning that a lot of people
can work on an application from the circuit level then plug them in (this is
what fusebox is all about).


-----Original Message-----
From: Gyrus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 11:29 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Fusebox - opinions?

> 1.Fusebox is a coding methodology. It's like picking a certain writing 
> style. It trys to maximize code reuse by structuring the way you write
> code. It also lends itself to self documentation.

I've seen most of the presentations on www.fusebox.org
and understand what Fusebox is (otherwise I really wouldn't
be considering learning it!!) - I was more after opinions about using it
from people who have some depth of experience with it - pros and cons type
of thing.

> 2.there is a great book on fusebox called.... 'Fusebox: mothodology 
> and techniques' by steve nelson and craig girard.

I know this book is around - I had just read so-so to bad reviews on
Amazon.com. You say it's great - why? Any other opinions?

Thanks for any feedback,

- Gyrus

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