Here is a few opinions...


1. FB is great on large scale apps, this allows several developers to have
production on a single site and allows for "specialty" type of production.
IE: the DBA can work on queries, while the CF programmer works on the front
end of things etc.

2. Code reuse..With the FB methodology, queries can be more like stored
procedures, where the front end and backend remain somewhat seperate from
eachother. This allows for the front end to be modified without a hitch.


1. Not the greatest thing for smaller applications, unless you are an
unorganized person. You can probably code faster without it if you are
making a small app.

2. Jumping back and forth between all the folders that is used to keep track
of your application. IE: _dsp, _act, _scripts, _css, _qry, _images etc etc.
If you are doing the site by yourself, this can become tiresome. First you
have to look at your index.cfm to see what query you were using on a
particular page and then go to the _qry folder to find the file

All said, I think the pros out weight the cons and would suggest it to
pretty much anyone who is developing large apps and has a team of developers
working on a site. The book(fusebox methodologies and techniques) is a so so
reader, some things are over emphasised and not really to the meat of the
matter. It is a good way to learn the basics, and it did help me to
understand what FB could do for me. The downloadable e-book is well woth the
$$, but would not suggest paying for the actual book.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gyrus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: Fusebox - opinions?

> > 1.Fusebox is a coding methodology. It's like picking a certain writing
> > style. It trys to maximize code reuse by structuring the way you write
> your
> > code. It also lends itself to self documentation.
> I've seen most of the presentations on
> and understand what Fusebox is (otherwise I really wouldn't
> be considering learning it!!) - I was more after opinions about
> using it from people who have some depth of experience
> with it - pros and cons type of thing.
> > 2.there is a great book on fusebox called.... 'Fusebox: mothodology and
> > techniques' by steve nelson and craig girard.
> I know this book is around - I had just read so-so to bad
> reviews on You say it's great - why? Any
> other opinions?
> Thanks for any feedback,
> - Gyrus
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