Ian Clarke:
> I took the accusation from a representative of the Church of
> Scientology that *I* was a pedophile as quite a compliment in this
> light

Oh, I agree entirely, those half-wit commies inevitably resort to
such petty childish name-calling. They also seem quite fond of
brainwashing and mass murder, two things Commie Chomsky just loves.

> when one side or the other resort to insults it suggests that
> childishness is the best argument they have to offer.

Those leftists sure are stupid, aren't they.

> Actually, until recently the CIA was Osama's biggest supporter,
> and didn't you notice?  The USSR is no-more.

The State Department is obviously suffering from communist
infiltration. If Real Americans were running the show, we'd have
annexed Afghanistan and reigned in those mujahedeen before they
made any trouble.

Only a communist like Chomsky would neglect Afghanistan and thus
unleash terrorism upon the greatest country in the world, the USA,
while giggling and smirking as the Afghan people starve under
Taliban rule. But, you know, communists love that.

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