On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 08:37:12PM -0600, Mark J Roberts wrote:
> Despite whatever paranoid, drug-induced ramblings the admitted
> communist and pedophile (he "earned" his doctorate with sexual
> favors) Noam Chomsky exudes from the ivory tower, the simple and
> obvious fact is that our government rocks.

I would love to see some proof of these claims.  It always amuses me
that the smarter someone is, and the less capable of debating with
him intellectually those who disagree with him are, the more they
resort to petty insults like "communist" and "pedophile" (I took the
accusation from a representative of the Church of Scientology that
*I* was a pedophile as quite a compliment in this light).

Personally, I haven't decided whether communism or capitalism are
closer to the ideal system of government (clearly neither of them
*are* the ideal system of government), but when one side or the
other resort to insults it suggests that childishness is the best
argument they have to offer.

> I know you leftists are pining for eternal war and totalitarianism,
> it's not a big secret - you support Soviet imperialism and Osama Bin
> Laden, remember? 

Actually, until recently the CIA was Osama's biggest supporter, and
didn't you notice?  The USSR is no-more.

> So you've said, you smug communist butcher.

Oops MJR, there you go again - substituting insults for rational


Ian Clarke                                        ian at freenetproject.org
Founder & Coordinator, The Freenet Project    http://freenetproject.org/
Chief Technology Officer, Uprizer Inc.           http://www.uprizer.com/
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