ooops, I have bad news, Georg!

I've just found out that zooming out is not always an easy task!

My project has multiple tracks and very keyframed zoom curves.
I ended up using ffmpeg commands for converting my Acqua.mpg from PAL to

$ ffmpeg -i Acqua.mpg -s 600x480 -r 29.97 -sameq -padleft 60 -padright
60 AcquaNTSC.mpg

-i Acqua.mpg        is the input file
-s 600x480          set frame size *
-r 29.97            set frame rate (frames per second)
-sameq              use same video quality as input avoiding compression
-padleft 60         set left pad band size *
-padright 60        set right pad band size *
AcquaNTSC.mpg       is the output file name

* needed to fit a 1.25 aspect ratio video into a 720x480 frame. Output
size: (600+60+60)x480

The punishment for my infidelity to Cin is an output file with
noticeably lower quality (audio and video).


On Thu, 2007-05-24 at 18:14 +0200, Kurt Georg Hooss wrote: 
> oops, that's fantastic news!
> thanks rafaella!
> :-)
> georg


> > Edit your EDL in PAL standard as usual.
> > You can check your resources attributes by right clicking on them and
> > selecting info from the context menu (PAL = framerate 25 - size
> > 720x576).
> > Before rendering it, change project attributes (Settings -> Format).
> > Change preset from PAL to NTSC.
> > Select the "auto" checkbox for aspect ratio.
> > Check the size of the output in the compositor. If needed you can zoom
> > out with the compositor camera.
> > Render as usual.
> > The rendered file is NTSC. You can verify its attributes by opening it
> > with Cin and selecting info from the context menu (NTSC = framerate
> > 29.97 - size 720x480).

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