Bit Fuzzy wrote:
>>>> It's not unthinkable, there actually are places where microsoft software 
>>>> is not used.
>>> Doesn't matter - there's no reason to suspect that all viruses originate 
>>> from Windows. Could I have your outgoing smtp IP please?
>> Wow - as a long term IT professional I thought I'd heard it all but this 
>> takes the cake. In all the past waves of viruses we've seen, they have 
>> been analyzed in depth and found to be 100% windows. If you have some 
>> evidence to the contrary feel free to share.
>> A non-windows email virus is the kind of "man bites dog" story that 
>> would cause quite the buzz...
> Erm, I don't believe that is what he said.
> He said, (in relation to not scanning outgoing mail), to think or 
> believe that "ALL" viruses "originate" from windows machines/users was 
> incorrect.
> This assumption would mean that nobody would ever send a virus laden 
> message from any OS other than Windows.
> He's right of course, the thought alone is dangerous for any 
> administrator to entertain.
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Another side of this is that the 'virus' or spam may not come directly
from an internal user... I see many many pop3 scans and all it takes is
guessing just one login/password and here comes the spam and/or viruses.
And if you were scanning outgoing email, you can catch this before you
are blacklisted.

Scanning outgoing email is not just a simple matter of trusting your own
users. It's part of a good security plan and acknowledging that
something can happen and it makes sense to scan outgoing email to make
sure it's trusted just like you do to incoming email.

Lyle Giese
LCR Computer Services, Inc.

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