> You make a lot of good points.  Let me be devil's
> advocate and make a couple explicit points that I
> think you imply above:
> 1) ASF membership is very important
> 2) ASF membership is more likely to be contentious
> than other decisions for that reason
> Perhaps some middle ground could be reached?  A public
> discussion on merits followed by a private debate?
> Leave the decision of whether or not to address the
> candidate directly to each member?  Maybe at the end
> of the day, the community list is the wrong place for
> the ultimate resolution of the process, but it may be
> a useful auxiliary tool.

Greg, you make -- as always -- some very fine points, however Morgan has
really pointed it out here. This is an important issue, but sometimes it's
nice to have a general forum to gauge opinion :)

 -- james

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