On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 5:03 PM, William A. Rowe Jr. <wr...@apache.org>wrote:

> This conversation seems to be moving sideways into nonsense.  Open Source
> and
> LAMP have nothing to do with each other.  There are a million ways to
> consume
> open source without touching a LAMP stack (some people even use apps... I
> mean,
> applications, which are neither 1. web based nor 2. mobile based.
>  /shudder)
> Yes LAMP is one deployment model, so is WAMP, so is WIMP, so is...

What about WAOA: Windows, Apache, Oracle, ASP.Net?

I guess some might consider a solution like that no worse than any other but
I think endorsing such a stack goes against a good policy. If you are going
to make a policy, you should love the results it endorses. That is all I was
trying to suggest.



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