I think for bot vs human, the time control should include byoyomi/overtime
of some kind instead of sudden death.  I'm afraid in one of these exhibition
matches the human will be winning but lose on time.  It would be especially
bad if the bot was playing meaningless invasions or territory filling moves
when the human loses.

Is there a big reason not to use some overtime?  It could be relatively
quick, say 10s per move.  Just to prevent losing a won game on time.  Some
people would argue the human should manage his time better, but people are
much more used to playing with overtime, and accommodating this doesn't seem
like a big deal.  Even on CGOS there is a 1s Bronstein delay to prevent
silly time loses due to lag.  We need the same thing for humans except that
for humans it needs to be a bit more than 1s.

Same thing for bots on KGS.

- Andy
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