2009/10/29 Olivier Teytaud <olivier.teyt...@lri.fr>

>> Yes,  this group does not have a consensus at all on this.   On the one
>> hand we hear that MCTS has reached a dead end and there is no benefit from
>> extra CPU power, and on the other hand we have these developers hustling
>> around for the biggest machines they can muster in order to play matches
>> with humans!      And Olivier claims that computers benefit more from
>> additional thinking time than humans!
> Thanks for this comment. I agree that something is strange here :-)
> Olivier

I'm being a bit sarcastic - I recognize that most of the statements made
about this general issue are not based as much on logic as they are on
emotional feelings or just making rash interpretations of tiny data
samples.   Almost always with us humans (myself included) when we try to
interpret data we lean way in the direction of our own subjective biases.

Even our own interpretations are in conflict sometimes.    I myself have
said things that upon close examination prove to be in conflict with
something else I "believed",  they both could not be true!   And then to add
insult to injury we  try to explain the conflict away with amazingly
creative skill instead of just admitting that we might need to adjust our
belief system.

As far as this subject is concerned,   I honestly don't think we fully
understand it,  myself included.     We have a lot of conflicting evidence
and I'm going to take a step backwards until we know more.

With go it is extremely frustrating.   The evaluation (rating/ranking)
system is non-standard and rather kludgey and we would need thousands of
games to settle this under controlled conditions unless the man/machine
difference was enormous.

- Don

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