>Thank you. Your results look quite compelling. Do you allow memory (the number 
>of nodes in 
>the tree) to grow along with thinking time or is there a fixed limit? 

Each node of HA8000 cluster has 32 GB RAM which I believed is enough 
for a game with those time settings, up to 2s for a move, with no 
pondering, on 19x19.  I observed, however, GC eventually run.  
I guess that affects little but I'll check it in the future 

>IIRC Don et. al.'s excellent scaling studies included gnugo but its effect was 
>small. Self play dominated. Perhaps, what David Doshay calls, the "evil twin 
>effect" causes 
>self play to give the appearance of scaling better.

I have the same thought now.  Perhaps my experimental results support 
such recent claim by strong players that strongest programs such 
as Zen are not so strong against human.  It seems, however, too early 
to conclude anyway.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Hideki Kato <hideki_ka...@ybb.ne.jp>
>To: computer-go <computer-go@computer-go.org>
>Sent: Sat, Oct 31, 2009 10:39 pm
>Subject: Re: [computer-go] First ever win of a computer against a pro 9P as 
>black (game of 
>Go, 9x9).
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Hideki Kato <hideki_ka...@ybb.ne.jp>
>> To: computer-go <computer-go@computer-go.org>
>> Sent: Wed, Oct 28, 2009 1:41 am
>> Subject: Re: [computer-go] First ever win of a computer against a pro 9P as 
>lack (game of 
>Go, 9x9).
>> ...
>> BTW, recently I've measured the strength (win rate) vs time for a move 
>> curves with Zen vs GNU Go and Zen vs Zen (self-play) on 19 x 19 board.  
>> Without opening book, it saturates between +400 and +500 Elo against 
>> GNU but doesn't upto +800 Elo in self-play.  That's somewhat 
>> interesting (detail will be open soon at GPW-2009).
>> Hideki
>I'd say that is more than "somewhat" interesting. While we're waiting for the 
>can you give us a picture of how many games against Gnugo went into this 
>Do you see this in 9x9?
>I've attatched two charts of current results for convinience.  
>hart1 is against GNU Go and Chart2 is self-play.
>The numbers for the 1st curve "HA8000 (AMD Opteron  2.3GHz) 16 thread" 
>n Chart1 are:
>ime(s) Win Draw    All Dup WR  std-dev Elo
>.02    325 27  2,933   0   11.54%  0.59%   -353.8
>.1 509 23  728 0   71.50%  1.67%   +159.8
>.2 946 47  1,147   0   84.52%  1.07%   +294.9
>.5 1,803   60  2,000   0   91.65%  0.62%   +416.2
>.0 1,849   33  2,000   0   93.28%  0.56%   +456.8
>.0 4,455   121 4,812   0   93.84%  0.35%   +473.1
>The numbers for Chart2 are:
>ime(s) Win Draw    All Dup WR  std-dev Elo
>.1 147 4   2,000   0   7.45%   0.59%   -437.7
>.3 992 36  2,000   0   50.50%  1.12%   +3.5
>.0 3,742   38  4,000   0   94.03%  0.37%   +478.8
>.0 13,157  43  13,328  1   98.89%  0.09%   +779.3
>Since above results are measured with no opening book, I'm now 
>enchmarking opening book enabled but right now the samples are 
>ot enough (642 games; see the 4th curve in Chart1, "HA8000 (AMD 
>pteron  2.3GHz) 16 thread w/ Book").
> Not a curve but a point now :-)
>For 9x9 it's not clear.  The curve starts saturating near +500 Elo 
>ut still seems increasing.
>g...@nue.ci.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Kato)
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