--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Well if you haven't seen it a loot of others have.
> But that doesn't help fix it. Mandrakesoft has
> problems reproducing it too
> (and 'just install a package' isn't a reproducible
> test case), so it's
> difficult for them to solve it.

Hope this helps: steps to reproduce:
- make a fresh install of Mandrake 9.2 final (not an
- choose all desktops (KDE, GNOME, Other) and all
other package groups but not servers
- choose KDE as your default desktop during install
and in first time wizard
- make some changes to the kicker i.e. add a Konqueror
button to kicker
- install package "kdeaddons-3.1.3-4mdk.i586.rpm"
- wait

Symptoms include:
- K menu shows only a small subset of what it should
- the Konqueror button miraculously dissapears from
- the Konqueror icon on desktop gives error something
like "File 'home.desktop' not found"
- logging out and back in *does not* help (except for
the desktop icon)
- running update-menus *does not* help
- running MenuDrake and changing style to any other
style than "Administrator settings" (please understand
that my Mandrake is translated so this might not be
accurate) *does* help.

Also note that some users are reporting that Alt+F2 in
these circumstances doesn't work. In this testcase it
works, infact that's the only way to run menudrake.

I was under impression that this problem was detected
and solved
so why is this discussion persisting?

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