Galileo wrote:
> For example find a message with a subject:
> or "[Cooker] Lilo Installation bug"
> I haven't had the time to test this with 9.2 but i bet that this
> wasn't fixed.
well, if you want to know if something has been fixed or not file a bug
on bugzilla.
> Haven't had a single reply. This was a significant bug.
the first is a bug, i agree (file it on bugzilla)
the second is phrased in a way i cannot understand
for the third question remember that we have space constraints.
but i agree with you mdadm and lvm tools should be in rescue.

 > bccz> %if %{with_MYSQL}
> bccz> Requires: MySQL, MySQL-client
> bccz> BuildRequires: MySQL, MySQL-client, MySQL-devel
> bccz> %endif
> I see what you mean. But this is nonsense. If postfix has a module for
> mysql why should postfix depend on mysql if it doesn't affect its core
> functionality. If you want to use this particular feature its obvious
> that you are going to install mysql. Do you get what i mean ?
because it's not a module. If you build postfix with mysql support (or
XYZ support for that matter) postfix binaries will be linked with mysql
libraries, and they won't run if mysql libraries are not installed.
maybe we could add custom postfix builds to the contrib? the only
problem i have with this is that it makes the spec-file a mess.

> bccz> We are making progress, but it is slow, but it doesn't help if you
> bccz> complain ...
> It doesn't have to be slow. And what should I do.
> Post something like this:
> Hi guys, you are doing a great job, you are the greatest in the whole
> universe but could you please do me a little favour and put postgre
> support in cyrus-sasl ? Please don't get offended if I disturbed you
> in some more important work ?
no, this won't help a bit.
you should say something like.
hello i'd like if cyrus sasl was rebuilt with this patch
(http://url.of.the/damned.patch) which adds support for postgres sql.
maybe if you tried the patch before, you could also report how well it
works and the fact that it does not change existing functionality.

> If you don't complain and bitch about it nothing will change, or it
> will change but really slowly.
it is not necessary to bitch every time, if you bitch too much people
will start ignoring you, that's it.

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