On Sun, 2002-09-22 at 12:49, tom447 wrote:
> We've been anticipating 9.0 and testing the RC's. With
> RC3, some of us are having trouble mounting CDROM drives.
> People scoff at things like this and problems with mice,
> but a bug like this will kill the foothold we worked hard 
> to get Mandrake. It would also fuel the Microsoft skeptics
> that have constantly hassled us.

Perhaps this is an impertinent question ... but are you obliged to move
to 9.0? It sounds as though a considerable effort has been put into 8.2,
and perhaps it would be best to do nothing.

Unlike Microsoft products there is no compulsion to upgrade*; I don't
know what'll happen in the future, but 8.0 and 8.1 were still having
patches produced when 8.2 was extant and I suggest it would be a
terrible mistake if patches were not produced for 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2 when
9.0 becomes extant.

A couple of people I know are still running 7.0 on 486s ...


* as well as via manipulation of licences, through technical tricks such
as Windows Update no longer working in Windows 95.

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