On 22 Sep 2002, Sitsofe Wheeler wrote:

> Unfortunately a platform is only as good as the new programs being
> produced for it. I would like to stay on 8.2 for a while after 9.0 is
> released but there are pieces of software that I'm really aching for.
> Above everything else I wish to run the latest Evolution (1.0.8?) on 8.2
> as I'm still stuck on the bug ridden 1.0.2. Mozilla 1.0.1 and Galeon
> 1.2.6 would also be good but my requests on for them on the cooker list
> have fallen on death ears. I would build them myself but I lack the
> space for the source and the bandwidth to get the necessary SRPMS in the
> first place on my Mandrake machine :(

Well, this is actually what the Mandrake club RPMs are all about. Vote
(with your membership) for the release you want supported, and maybe it
can be supported for longer.

FYI, club has Evo 1.0.8 for 8.2, and I have just finished building
OpenOffice.org 1.0.1 and Mozilla 1.1, and will try and rebuild a new
Galeon (1.2.5 or 1.2.6) against Mozilla 1.1

It's quite obvious that Galeon won't be updated during freeze, so you will
have to wait until final is out (one of the reasons releases can't be
delayed for too long, it gets out of date too soon).

We'll see how it goes, but maybe I will be fone by tomorrow, and we can
have the RPMs on the mirrors before the week is out ..

Of course, I will be switching to 9.0 as soon as I have ISOs on our
mirror, so don't expect any updates for 8.2 from me, I will only be
building for 9.0 (except samba of course ....).


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