On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 00:18, Sitsofe Wheeler wrote:
> Unfortunately a platform is only as good as the new programs being
> produced for it. I would like to stay on 8.2 for a while after 9.0 is
> released but there are pieces of software that I'm really aching for.
> Above everything else I wish to run the latest Evolution (1.0.8?) on 8.2
> as I'm still stuck on the bug ridden 1.0.2. Mozilla 1.0.1 and Galeon
> 1.2.6 would also be good but my requests on for them on the cooker list
> have fallen on death ears.

ROFL! (-: `Larry Boy and the Ears of Death?' :-) It's `deaf ears' as in ears 
that do not hear. (-: Thanks for lightening my morning a bit :-)

My first wife, when she shot through with my daughter, left behind a list of 
things she was planning to take, including an item `Chester Draws' which took 
me a little while to decode as `chest of drawers'. She also thought that 
battery chickens ran on size D drycells (I kid you not!). A few things like 
this helped to soften the blows of an otherwise traumatic experience.

> I would build them myself but I lack the
> space for the source and the bandwidth to get the necessary SRPMS in the
> first place on my Mandrake machine :(

If a friend has the bandwidth, get them to fetch the SRPMs down for you. You 
can also try rpmfind.net as sometimes they have links to non-Mandrake RPMS 
for the Mandrake systems. If you lack space, borrow a hard drive for the 
purpose when one is in transit on its way to becoming something else, even a 
little hard drive with only a few hundred megabytes can be enough for many 
things. It basically sounds like you need to sort some priorities out.

Cheers; Leon

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