On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Leon Brooks wrote:

> On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 20:50, Michael Holt wrote:
[snip : too much honor]
> >>> battery chickens ran on size D drycells (I
kid you not!).
> > Ok, I give up - what are battery chickens??
> A battery of anything is a long row of them. So a D cell (or for that matter
> A, AA, AAA and C as well) is not actually a battery, but the little square 9V
> models and the ones in cars are. A battery mill is a bank of cam-driven
Not necessarily true! Although it is usually hard to see, A{A{A}} cells
sometimes clearly consist of a battery of small watch cell-like cells when
you look close enough to the casing. Or you could take off the casing to
take a closer look (see WARNING below!!!). In fact, I don't know of any
compound combination that produces an (electrochemical(*)) potential of
1.5V! 900mV is already quite a potential, needing 6 units in series to
reach 1.5V. Please enlighten me (off-list) on modern battery technology
and/or such compound combination.


P.S.: WARNING : you should know what you are doing and you need special
protection against physical and/or chemical hazards. Short-circuiting can
cause fire and most types of batteries contain poisonous organic
compounds, heavy metals and/or strong acids. Better keep in mind the
warning on the casing.
  (*) or any other intrinsic potential gradient

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