Hi Alan,

> Without me looking up specifications, if color has no meaning, then how do 
> you propose > to change the color of a horizontal rule? It is not a border, 
> neither is it a background, so
> how else would you style its color property? To answer my own question, 
> Mozilla
> obviously think it's a background element, but then you can't simply put 
> printable
> characters on top of it, so they are breaking the rules.
If you take a look at the HTML 4.01 Strict DTD
you will see that HR is a block-element (maybe you meant this when you
say "background element")! This answers also your question but in a
different way: looking up the specification is always helpful to learn
what the rules are.

> Not sure why you say that I am making false claims. If I appear to be 
> claiming something > to be a padding and sometimes a margin, that is not my 
> intention. I am well aware that
> 'margin' has no color property, why would it? It's a non-printable spacing 
> property. The
> extra spacing that Firefox inserts is totally transparent, therefore I can't 
> tell whether it's a > margin or padding in the true sense of the words. It's 
> a 'lump' of transparency that's being > inserted, and it's only Firefox that 
> does it. I call that a bug.
I didn't say you are "making false claims" but you use some basic
notion very freely. When it comes to differentiate between margin and
padding this should be simple: for example the padding takes the
background-color but the margin not. So if you have a block-level
element and you have specified a background-color then the transparent
space is the elements margin area, isn't it?

> I did not forget to show the rule from my stylesheet that causes padding.
> Firstly, if that was the case, it would happen in all browsers and secondly 
> there is no
> such rule in my stylesheet. I did not show the code for 'body' because it is 
> irrelevant in
> this case. There's nothing in it to cause errant spacing and there is no 
> "html * etc" code > in my stylesheet.
O.k. Anyway, we now know it's the margin.

> FWIW I have included below, all that is above the 'hr' definition and there's 
> nothing after
> it to affect it. The code can be tested exactly as it is below, by saving it 
> as a set of styles > in an HTML document and a simple <hr /> command inserted 
> in the body below it. In
> Firefox only, it will space itself far more than a single line height from 
> the top of the page.
>   OK. Set up your own <head></head> and try this in Firefox exactly as it is,
>   <body>
>   <style>
>   body {
>   background-color:#f4f9a8;
>   font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
>   font-size:12px;
>   font-weight:normal;
>   color:black;
>   margin:0;
>   padding:0;
>   }
>   hr {
>   background-color:#dd0000;
>   color:#dd0000;
>   }
>   #container {
>   width:800px;
>   height:auto;
>   margin:0;
>   padding:0;
>   position:absolute;
>   top:0;
>   left:20px;
>   }
>   </style>
>   <div id="container">
>   <hr />
>   </div>
>   </body>
The code you posted here looks almost the same in Firefox and IE 6.
Was this your

> In fact I believe that Mozilla are wrong. A <hr> is a printable line and is 
> therefore a
> foreground element and should possess color.
Above I showed you that <hr> is defined as a block-level element in
the HTML 4.01 Strict DTD. As long as you don't backup the "foreground
element" with some evidence, I have to assume it's only your personal

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