Well Dr. Poley, the Christian Scientists are an intelligent lot.   This
bible crap makes me sick for let us consider who really wrote the words
in the bible....like the part i I Kings where "pissing" on the wall is
almost done in ritualistic manner.  English was crude in those days and
if Shakespear had a hand in writing the Song of Solomon and his cypher
was left in the 46th psalm, we had a lot of hanky panky here.

My family traces their tree directly to the bible - and we are part of
the Grail Family and I have pedigree to prove it, but who the hell

An Ayatollah runing around with a black turban claiming direct descent
from Mohammed?   Was Mohammed ordained by God to rule, or did Allah even
know this man?

The hook up of the Assassins to the Knight Templars as they searched for
gold and loot?
Bible is a big family tree and geogrpahy book.

What is a jew?  I do not know, and I do not care.  I am concerned about
this lot who call themselves Zionists and from whom 3 or 4 Rabbis now
want to disassociate before they are all murdered which is a part of
"God's Plan".

I had an ancestor help revise the bible in 1890 period, delegate to
Clarendon Press and still have the souvenier bible, SS Teachers Edition.
As I wrote once before, Benjamin Franklin wrote a few verses in the
proverbs and printed in the bible and nobody even knew the different.

The Bible is a Master Plan for Murder and it is timed to go off at the
end of this Millenium.  Now if God is alive and well, so is Satan and I
will tell you this Satan does rule on this planet, and between Gore,
Clinton, and Saddam Hussein and Kissinger and that low life Reno and
Albright -= I will take Sadaam who rides a big whie horse, when he
really wants to show off, for Sadaam is a real man- and he offered us
cheap oil and was refused.

Why are the Zionists out to control the domestic jews and arabs and put
them is Israelie while they wait judgment day whrere the State of Israel
is to be destroyed.

Well this one Rabbi knows his stuff and said we can live under Arab rule
and Arabs can live under so called Jewish rule for the arabs and jews in
the holy land, are brothers.....

The Sons of the Prophets and the Sons of God are brother as are all the
KIngs Men and Kings, brothers.

I am so sick of this religoius crap - for this is master plan for murder
and all things are ready.

America first must be destroyed that is the white race, for hey will
take no crap any more from wild blacks and latinos runung through
streets raping and molesting women - and any lady would not have been in
that crowd anyway.

So this is face of America - ugly, dirty and a cess pool awaiting return
of the King?

Return of the King means forfeiture of Constitutional govrnment, does it

Only Kings and Queens are ordained by God to rule and I can claim direct
descent from many Kings and Queens and the Mormon Church claims my
ancestors descended from Satan - the one man's meat, is another man's

But when you read that crap the Mormon Joseph Smith, a freemason wrote
up, well - what did he say about Moroni - was he kidding?

Now we have one religion fits all, one big rrace to fit all where
laborers in vinyard with blackened skin will marry the fair blonde and
bue eyed farmr's daughter>

Well never saw a black rose and hope  I never do.

Take that Old Testament and dump it - I am sick of men playing Moses and
turning loose animals on civilized people.

The Bible is a Master Plan for Murder and guess who wrote it?   New
Messiah on way?  You got to be kidding - after what theydid to the old
one, nailed to a cross and virtually a stake drivn through his side?
Think he will return with love in his heart?

Somebody killed my kid - fight fire with fire.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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