On 2021-02-15 8:07 a.m., Kneops wrote:
I'm sorry, I do understand why this is important and cannot and should not be changed! But what I do not understand is why the visual order in the Darkroom cannot be changed. As I see it from a visual/users point of view is that they are like menu items, independent from the actual order in the background.

When you 'put you shoes and socks on' like your mother told you to do, do you put your shoes on first then your sock over them?

Kneops, I think you are seeing this like basic one-dimensional arithmetic which is both commutative and associative.

        a * b * c = (a * b) * c = a * (b * c) = b * (a  * c) = (C * a) * b
and so on.
As you deal with higher 'dimensionality' (complex numbers for example) you start loosing that. Altering the order alters the results.

Your comment about what appeals to the eye is interesting for someone who deals almost exclusively in RAW like myself. years ago i experimented with setting my camera to "RAW+JPG" to see what happened. Sometimes the RAW was very dark to the eye when I opened it in DT. I found that sharpening and de-noising before 'brightening' produced crisper, better rendered images than not only the camera's JPG but much better than lightening first. It has to do with the amount of information available at each stage.

Of course if you start with a too-dark JPG then things are going to be different. You don't have the information there is in a RAW. If the JPG is too dark then you probably had initial exposure problems, which are quite another matter.

But getting back to the original point: the operations in DT are not 
Altering the order, that is altering the inputs to each module, will alter the results. That might invovle the loss of necessary information to some modules.

There is good reason for the recommended workflow.

Anton J Aylward
Dodo Flight Research Laboratories
Icarus Division
North York, Ontario

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