This is exactly my position, as well. Is there a good argument against it?

---- On Mon, 15 Feb 2021 10:56:41 -0500 Michael Staats <> 
wrote ----

My 2 cents: I think most people do not want to mess with the internal 
pipeline, they just expect that the right thing happens when they switch 
on a module or change a setting. 
But it can simply be a matter of taste if you first crop&rotate, or set 
the white balance. And why not allow to re-order the modules in the 
favorite list to taste (without changing the pipeline), so that in one's 
standard workflow you would simply start at the top, and when you are at 
the bottom, you are done? 
Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for it, I personally do not have such 
a standard workflow. I look at my picture, and if I want to change 
something, I pick the module I need, and so on, until I'm happy. In the 
next picture, it might be a complete different order. 
But I understand if others, especially if handling many pictures, want 
to have their personal order. Or maybe that helps establishing a common 
workflow for a group of users, like when teaching whoever (pupils, 
employees), or whatever use case you may think of... 
Best regards, 
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