> I'm unclear as to what you have installed that triggers this, because I've
> been using systemd and sid for eons and have never encountered this
> behavior.  (That also makes me pretty sure, pace Steve, that this is not
> something *systemd* as systemd is actually doing, but some other
> component.)

Fair enough, I wasn't refering to systemd as the culprit, but to
whichever software caused this.

> Is it GNOME Software that you also have installed, per the other message
> on this thread?

Yes, sorry, I see your point. Also I have jessie security enabled in my
apt sources list, which may also make a difference.

> Looking at systemd-system-update-generator, it looks like this is a purely
> optional feature that is only triggered if you use a system upgrade method
> that uses the /var/lib/system-update staging area.  So I think blaming
> this on systemd is a little odd.  I certainly agree that it's a rather
> serious bug for this to suddenly start happening without your knowledge,
> particularly when it makes some decidedly bad dist-upgrade choices, but I
> think the fault here lies with whatever software staged this upgrade.  Not
> with systemd for just doing what it was told by another package.

Agreed, if that's the way to setup works, I'm completely with you.

> I like having the *choice* of being able to either use apt and upgrade
> directly, or stage an upgrade and have it happen on reboot.  It seems like
> systemd is providing that choice and supporting both options, which is
> great.  The question, in my mind, is why you're getting surprised with
> something using the method that you don't prefer.

Right, my point being this should never be the default.

Michael Meskes
Michael at Fam-Meskes dot De, Michael at Meskes dot (De|Com|Net|Org)
Meskes at (Debian|Postgresql) dot Org
Jabber: michael.meskes at gmail dot com
VfL Borussia! Força Barça! Go SF 49ers! Use Debian GNU/Linux, PostgreSQL

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