On 10/23/2015 3:09 PM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
Hmm, I'm having difficulty reconciling what you're saying above with
this email from two days ago
  What happens if Thunderbird decides on option 3 listed there (move
away from using Gecko to another framework) and the code lives in m-c?
Do you mean that the code in m-c will be made to work with another
framework?  Or that code would be abandoned the new Thunderbird will be
developed in another repository?  Or something else?

The "move away from using Gecko to another framework" option would occur at earliest three years from now according to a different email posting. And this is a discussion only, not a commitment.

If that option were to move forward, the plan would be to use to the maximum extent possible during a transition the same code between a Gecko-based Thunderbird and an HTML/CSS/JS-based Thunderbird. Whether that would mean using a Github or hg.m.o as the canonical repo is way beyond any discussions we have had, but based on previous experience, were Github to be canonical, then files for particular versions would still need to be landed in hg.m.o Any C++ builds into xul.lib would clearly always be in hg.m.o

This as I understand it is the same discussion that Firefox intends to have in the post-XUL world. As browser.html is currently a Github repo without threatening m-c, I don't see how mailnews.html is any different. Another parallel is Gaia which resides in Github while other parts of Firefox reside in m-c. These are concrete, current examples in the Firefox world, while any discussions of a similar set of features for Thunderbird are three years in the future.


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