On Fri, Oct 23, 2015, at 01:02 PM, Joshua Cranmer 🐧 wrote:
> Actually, the b2g email app does reuse JSMime (or at least will be
> shortly).

Clarifying: Yes, library reuse is happening and it's good and awesome
and we want more of it.

But: b2g gaia email does not now and is unlikely to ever care about the
canonical source location of any of those libraries[1].


1: b2g gaia email checks in its library dependencies from their
upstreams.  It of course would be great to have changes to JSMime (and
other mail libraries consumed by gaia mail) tested against gaia mail's
tests, but this would likely be accomplished by having taskcluster spin
up gaia mail with the candidate JSMime versions and run its tests
against that, not by having gaia mail build against trunk JSMime.
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