Edmund Wong schrieb:
As for the long term plans, I'll wait for one of the SeaMonkey
council members to comment on that; but I believe we are determined
to maintain the SeaMonkey code.

I'll weigh in as a SeaMonkey Council member - even though I mostly watch what's going on while Edmund is actually one of the people doing a ton of work there. ;-)

From all I see and hear, those people active in the SeaMonkey project are committed to maintaining it for the foreseeable future. You never know what happens years down the road, of course, and this is a small group of people. But then, from its inception, this was a pretty small group, and the project has survived for 10 years now (founded in March 2005, 1.0 release in January 2006).

The project has been having build infrastructure issues in recent months, but I hear things are somewhat improving - and actually, this merge would probably make quite a few things easier, as more of the same tooling could be used that Firefox uses (for example, all the custom buildbot tooling I wrote up years ago for handling c-c is a major PITA up to this day).

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