On 10/23/15 10:22 AM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:

I'm sorry that it makes you sad, but Mozilla has explicitly decided to
prioritize the bar to entry for Firefox development, and the speed of
development of Firefox, at the expense of Thunderbird (and seamonkey).
And as Firefox development moves faster toward things such as stopping
supporting XUL addons, removing support for heavyweight themes, and even
cutting XUL altogether, we should all expect the impedance mismatch to
become worse. We are not only saying that you don't have to fix
comm-central apps: we're also saying that we don't *want* core
contributors to spend time on comm-central.

+1. Last time this thread came up, I thought the guidance was that core contributors (and especially MoCo employees) should explicitly *not* be spending time on TB/SM code. Even in the "I'll just be nice and go a bit out of my way", because those costs are undervalued and add up.

This isn't out of spite or malice towards those projects, but a recognition that we need to focus our extremely limited time and resources. We're in a hypercompetitive market with giants (Google, Microsoft, Apple) who effectively have infinite time and resources in comparison. Constant distractions from our core do no one any good.

[And the same argument applies to things within Firefox as well - there are many things we could be doing, but need to aggressively focus our efforts on a few things that matter most.]

I'd also reiterate your point that this issue is, unfortunately, likely to get much worse as we start making deeper changes to modernize the platform (like de-XULification). I already see complaints from TB/SM folks about the difficulty in keeping pace today, and I'm not sure how those projects will realistically be able to keep up in the future. (And so it certainly seems like an odd time to be merging that code into mozilla-central.)

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