VOTE and switch.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 2:06 PM Ash Berlin-Taylor <> wrote:

> Yeah, Superset is using GIthub Issues instead of Jira.
> This is probably the third or fourth time the Github/Jira subject has been
> brought up, something just finally pushed me over the edge of "why are we
> bothering with this" today.
> It seems like we have fairly broad agreement this time. AIP worth, or just
> a VOTE and switch over?
> -a
> On Mar 16 2020, at 2:02 pm, Tomasz Urbaszek <> wrote:
> > +1 for Github issues. Github allows creating issue template (feature,
> bug, custom) so this should help. And I have a feeling that GH issues are
> indexed better than JIRA tickets. JIRA gives the possibility to interlink
> between ASF projects but I don't think is something important for us. I've
> also spotted that Apache Superset is proposing SIP (Superset Improvement
> Proposals) on Github issues. T. On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 1:08 PM Kaxil Naik
> wrote: > > +1 > > One other problem it would help us solve is *closing
> issues where the PR is > merged*. This is one of the pain-points for us,
> some of the JIRA issues are > open even though the PR is merged. > > With
> Github issues, if there is a PR solving an existing issue just adding >
> "fixes #20" would close that issue when PR is merged. > > Regards, > Kaxil
> > > > > On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 12:04 PM Ash Berlin-Taylor wrote: > > > >
> Maybe we could have some clear guidelines on when the issues should be > >
> created - only when there is a problem so
> meone wants to report and we have > > no code for it yet. > > > > Yes,
> exactly. If you want to submit a fix directly: great, open a PR; if > > you
> want to report it but arent able/willing to submit a fix straight away: > >
> create an issue. > > -a > > On Mar 16 2020, at 12:02 pm, Jarek Potiuk > >
> wrote: > > > I am all for it. We can easily rely just on PR# to uniquely
> identify > > commit rather than Github issue id - and remove the
> requirement to have an > > issue altogether? The issue can be added
> optionally but it should not be a > > requirement. I think PRs and Issues
> are pretty equivalent when you follow > > the "work" + "create" +" submit"
> sequence - without the unnecessary hassle. > > You can assign
> milestones/projects/label the same way on both. We actually > > found that
> even when we use them in some other projects - they become > > unnecessary.
> I think eventually there should be a way to convert an issue > > into PR
> :). Even if we want to use Github Projects eventually, we ca
> n add > > PRs to projects similarly as issues. Maybe we could have some
> clear > > guidelines on when the issues should be created - only when there
> is a > > problem someone wants to report and we have no code for it yet. J.
> On Mon, > > Mar 16, 2020 at 12:46 PM Ash Berlin-Taylor wrote: > > I'm
> totally in favor > > of not using Jira, as they are serving hardly > > any
> > purpose other than just a useless step before creating a PR. > > However,
> I > don't think to make a GitHub issue mandatory is also a good > > step,
> as > eventually, it'll meet the same fate of being opened just before > >
> opening a > PR. > > > So IMO we can use Github issues for simple use, which
> > > is to report some > bugs/questions by users, who are not necessarily >
> > planning to create a PR > soon. > Yes, that was what I meant but I wasn't
> > > clear; I was just using "Github > Issues" as a collective product name,
> and > > not saying we need an issue for > every PR. > > -ash > > On Mar 16
> 2020, at > > 11:42 am, Sumi
> t Maheshwari > wrote: > > I'm totally in favor of not using > > Jira, as
> they are serving hardly any > purpose other than just a useless > > step
> before creating a PR. However, I > don't think to make a GitHub issue > >
> mandatory is also a good step, as > eventually, it'll meet the same fate of
> > > being opened just before opening a > PR. So IMO we can use Github
> issues > > for simple use, which is to report some > > > bugs/questions by
> users, who are not necessarily planning to create a > > PR > soon. Also, if
> we go this route, then we can do the one time Jira > > cleanup > and port
> only valid issues in Github. On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at > > 5:07 PM Ash >
> Berlin-Taylor wrote: > Yeah, Github issues are far from > > perfect, it's >
> mainly just I feel we have > a lot of "busy-work" in our > > process that
> is no > longer really serving much > benefit to us as a > > community. > >
> -a > On Mar > 16 2020, at 11:35 am, Bolke de Bruin wrote: > > > > Honestly,
> I think both > suck. So I can go ei
> ther way > > > > > > On 16 > > March 2020 at 12:33:27, Ash > Berlin-Taylor
> ( > (mailto: > > a > wrote: > > >
> The subject pretty much says it all. > > > > > > We aren't using Jira very
> well in most cases, and the requirement > > for > a > Jira ticket for a
> code change leads to people just creating new > > Jira > > tickets, rather
> than searching to see if there already exists a > > ticket for > > that
> feature. > > > For example: > ht > > tps://
> and > > > >
> (I'm not trying to > >
> > > pick on anyone involved here, I just happened to notice this) > > > > >
> > Additionally most of the committers follow a similar path of "work on > >
> > > feature, open Jira ticket just before creating PR". > > > I am
> proposing we > > > migrate over to Github issues and drop the > requirement
> to have a jira > > > ticket for PRs. > > > The one downside is we might get
> people opening
>  > > > issues for as an > "help, how do I do this" -- I think we can
> address that > > > by having an issue > template saying something like "DO
> NOT OPEN AN ISSUE > > > ASKING FOR HELP - ask > on user > s@ or join
> slack". > > > The only > > other thing Jira currently gives us is > the
> ability mark tasks > for > > "backporting" -- I think we can replace that >
> with Github Milestones. > > > Kaxil or I will happily update the scripts we
> use > to build/check the > > status > of releases. > > > Thoughts? > > >
> The only > outstandi > > ng question is then what do we do about migrating
> > the issue (do > we > > copy issues across to Github?). Perhaps it might
> be a good > opportunity > > > for a clean slate. > > > -ash > > > > > > > >
> > > > > -- Jarek Potiuk > > Polidea | Principal Software Engineer M: +48
> 660 796 129 <+48660796129> > > [image: Polidea] > > > >

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