On Mon, Apr 22, 2013, at 04:19 PM, Animesh Chaturvedi wrote:
>  - Joe agrees partly in release overhead being significant for major
>  release

This is only a partial summary of what I've said before. Yes, I think
there's overhead in a release that's really non-flexible. 

However, we've really not given a four-month release a proper shot yet.
As already mentioned - our first release cycle was all about getting the
infra up in place. The second one was punctuated by graduation and other
things that kept it from being as "smooth" as it could have been.

The 4.2 cycle would be the first one we really have a shot at a "normal"
release cycle. 

Am I 100% convinced in a four-month cycle? Not yet, but I am convinced
it's a goal we should be aiming for, and I don't think we get there by
going to a six-month cycle "until we're ready." We get there by aiming
for four-month cycles and improving until we reach the ability to do a
four-month cycle. 

+1 to a four month cycle. 


Joe Brockmeier
Twitter: @jzb

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