Let me attempt to summarize this thread, if I missed any glaring points feel 
free to bring them up

4 months:
Proponents (9): Chip, Alex, David, Noah, Hugo, Joe,  Sebastian, Prasanna, Rohit
*       We have not given proper shot to 4 month cycle, this was just the first 
time. Level of automation has increased between 4.0 to 4.1 which lays 
groundwork for better automation
*       Longer feature cycle will mean more features and bigger and more 
complex release
*       Faster feedback loop to respond and address problems and shorter wait 
time for feature delivery

6 months:
Proponents (12): Will, Animesh, Edison, Frank, Min, Ilya, Kelven, Edison, 
Sudha, Radhika, Nitin, Mice
*       ACS currently has heavy reliance  on manual testing and majority of QA 
comes from 1 company. Shorter release cycle puts more dependence on  timely 
availability of QA to keep up to quality goals
*       ACS release is expected to be of good quality and support upgrades. 
Longer QA cycle will mean more soak time and better quality. 
*       Less overhead on release fixed cost work (release notes, generating 
release artifacts)
*       Longer cycles also provides more flexibility in schedule for 
individuals in defect fixing

I still see there is difference of opinion and not a clear consensus with 12 
out of 21 ( approx. 60%) preferring 6 months.  But going by the argument of not 
having given proper shot to 4 month cycle I will say we can keep 4.2 as a 4 
month cycle and pull in all effort to make it successful.  If it turns out that 
we can work with 4 month schedule that's well and good otherwise we can bring 
this topic again based on the results of running 4 month cycle.

If there is no objection I will proceed with creating 4.2 release page, 
dashboards etc. on Monday


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chip Childers [mailto:chip.child...@sungard.com]
> Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 9:24 AM
> To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] ACS Release 4 month v/s 6 month
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 12:22:58PM +0100, Noah Slater wrote:
> > I see where David is coming from.
> >
> > The longer you leave a release branch, the harder it becomes to QA,
> > the harder it comes to test, and the harder it becomes to release. As
> > has been mentioned already, you can think of this as a "release cost".
> > More regular releases keep complexity down, and reduce anxiety over
> > "will my feature make the next release?" (Only applicable in a
> > time-based system, like we have it.)
> Indeed.  And frankly the longer the "QA" cycle, the less interest the
> community will have (seems to have) in resolving bugs from the pending
> feature release.  People move on, naturally, to the next feature they want to
> work on.
> Frankly this is the reason that I feel like we are still waiting to ship 
> 4.1.0.
> -chip

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