Carsten Ziegeler <cziegeler <at>> writes:

> So, my suggestion is to:
> - deprecate the use of LogKit


I have been a great fan of LogKit since I first started using it through Cocoon.
Its slim feature set attains the admirable goal of keeping things simple, yet
it's powerful enough for most of Cocoon's usage scenarios. I think it is more
intuitive to configure than is Log4j. It's very well designed and it's
specifically designed with the kind of IoC log enabling in mind that we will
continue to use in the future.

I understand the Avalon community argument and it is good to have alternative
logging solutions in Cocoon but I feel bad about throwing out something I
consider to be the best fit logging package for Cocoon ATM. BTW I am not
following Avalon developement very closely anymore, does anyone know what the
status of LogKit is in Avalon itself (did they deprecate it?).

It is true that Log4j configuration is familiar to most people and LogKit's just
isn't. But that argument just applies to new users of Cocoon. The ones that have
been using Cocoon are familiar with LogKit and may not be with Log4j. Not that
it is very difficult to learn to configure either of them anyway ;-)


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