Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

The reason why logkit was developped was because log4j made extensive use of static methods and that doesn't work very well with servlet environments.

Ceki, anything to report on that front?

NOTE: Cocoon is getting fed up with avalon and its community instabilities and we'd like to move away from it as much as possible.


Did that make you feel all warm and fluffy inside?

Seriously - if you have a problem avalon or its community you really should post your opinions to that community and avoid little background comments where possible. Your probably aware that there is a proposal to separate off the Excalibur content from Avalon - and I'm confident you will in future be paying careful attention to you usage of terminology - referring to Avalon when Avalon is the subject, and referring to Excalibur when Excalibur is the subject.

Cheers, Stephen.

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