I'm on a family visit to Alaska and don't have a lot of time for email, so
I don't know if I'll get to read all the replies to this until I get back.

I added the code to allow any logger to be used (in addition to the
default and log4j) because we use our own custom logger. I really don't
care what logger Cocoon uses as long is it is done through an interface
that I can provide my own implementation of.


Carsten Ziegeler said:
> Many have suggested this in the past and as Ugo mentioned it
> yesterday, I think it's time to check our logging strategy.
> Currently we use LogKit as our base logging system. Unfortunately
> we are using third party components that either use Log4J or
> commons-logging. So in the end you have to configure more than
> one logging system.
> Log4j is the standard for logging  - I think this is obvious.
> So, the easiest and most obvious solution is to use Log4J in
> Cocoon as well.
> Since 2.1.5 you can simply switch to Log4J if you configure
> the logger-class parameter in web.xml. There is only one
> drawback: log4j has to be configured "elsewhere"; this is
> not done by Cocoon.
> So, my suggestion is to:
> - deprecate the use of LogKit
> - switch to log4j as default
> - make it possible to configure log4j from within Cocoon (like the
>   current logkit.xml for LogKit).
> Carsten
> Carsten Ziegeler
> Open Source Group, S&N AG
> http://www.osoco.net/weblogs/rael/

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