Hi Sergey,

On 20 March 2012 22:09, Sergey Beryozkin <sberyoz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How does this Compendium cycle work ? Having CXF DOSGi RI 'endorced' as
> TCK-compliant is a strong enough reason to try to cut an interim release in
> the next few weeks, however, I'm wondering, when would be DOSGi CXF 1.3.1
> (released say in June/Jule) collected during the next cycle ?

The RI's don't get collected automatically. However during the RI/TCK
cycle of the Compendium 4.3 it was discovered that CXF-DOSGi had some
failures. That's when I started looking into things.
Every time an OSGi release is done, the TCKs are run with the RI
implementations that are checked in to the OSGi systems at that time.
So if there is a new CXF-DOSGi release we can always update the one in
the OSGi systems and have it be part of the next run.
The Compendium 4.3 run is due to close down really soon. The next
RI/TCK cycle after that is the Enterprise R5 cycle, which is currently
planned for June this year.

> I guess you are right in won't take long to quickly do another release, my
> priorities are all on CXF 2.6.0 (and related projects) due in 2-3 weeks, but
> I guess this can be done quickly enough. Personally I'd prefer to have at
> least couple of user-reported issues addressed along the way but I
> definitely have no time for it now,
> So if the collection can be easily organized in the next few months then I'd
> prefer to wait till then, but if not doing this release now would mean the
> collection will happen in one year time then I guess we should go for it.

So yes, we can certainly wait and have a released version checked in
for Enterprise R5, it will just mean that the Compendium R4.3 will
have a non-released version of CXF as the RI.



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