On 21 March 2012 15:34, Daniel Kulp <dk...@apache.org> wrote:
> If you are willing to do the release, then I think it's a good idea.  I'd
> rather have a release often type thing if it fixes a few issue that are
> needed.    Do you know if it needs a new CXF proper release or is 2.5.2 OK?
> If it's just a release of the DOSGi stuff, then it should be pretty simple.
> I think a simple:
> mvn release:prepare
> mvn release:perform
> should handle most of it.     The release-manangement page for cxf might
> have more details about setting up the gpg stuff, Nexus, etc...

It's the gpg and Nexus stuff that I'm unsure about in relation to how
releases are done at Apache, but I see things are documented well on
that page, so I'll give it a try soon.



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