Hi Frank,

Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany escribió:
Hi Ariel,

don't know others, but I always left the desktop integration for the "stable" version I'm working with at that moment (if not, just click on any OOo doc will open them on a version not meant for *production* , and this is not very safe)

Yes, desktop integration is rarely needed. Don't know when I last time
installed one with system integration ...

Which reminds me of what I should have mentioned in my previous mail:

  msiexec /a openofficedev.msi

This does a so-called administrative installation, which effectively
means the .cab files (I'm talking about Windows only here, there are
similar solutions for other platforms) are simply extracted.

Be sure to, before you run OOo the first time, adjust the
"UserInstallation" key in program/bootstrap.ini. For me, it always looks


Since $ORIGIN expands to the program directory, this means you get a
folder "user" besides the "program" folder, where "user" will take all
your user data. (Which implies if you use the same installation from
multiple Windows accounts, they will all share the user data - which is
unlike a "normal" installation.)

This procedure IMO is unbeatable when it comes to running multiple OOo
versions in parallel.

Finally I got it under Linux.

For those interested on "installing"(== unziping) an RPM version without installing it:

# cd to the folder where you downloaded the *.tar.gz
~> cd /home/arielconstenlahaile/descargas/ooo/
# make a temp dir to extract the file content
~/descargas/ooo> mkdir INSTooo231
# cd to that temp folder
~/descargas/ooo> cd INSTooo231/
# extrat the file content
~/descargas/ooo/INSTooo231> tar zxvf ../OOo_SRC680_m231_LinuxX86_install_es_rpm.tar.gz
# now create another temp dir to extrat all the RPMs
~/descargas/ooo/INSTooo231> cd RPMS/
# make a temp dir where to extrat OpenOffice.org INST root dir
~/descargas/ooo/INSTooo231/RPMS> mkdir TEMP_ROOT
~/descargas/ooo/INSTooo231/RPMS> cd TEMP_ROOT/
# extract the RPMs
~/descargas/ooo/INSTooo231/RPMS/TEMP_ROOT> for i in ../openoffice.org*.rpm; do rpm2cpio $i | cpio -id; done

Ready! In TEMP_ROOT/ you will find:

Just copy all the root folder to wherever you want.

To change the USER directory configuration:
edit program/bootstraprc


will put everything in the same folder, and this way it will be easy to delete.

There "must" be a command line option, but I didn't find it on ./soffice -help

OOo plugin for NetBeans uses (I think) a command line option to debug extensions and set the user dir in the NB build folder:

debugging UNO extension package ...
wait until preparation is finished.
  deploying UNO extension package for debugging ...
/opt/openoffice.org2.3/program/unopkg gui -f /home/arielconstenlahaile/java/ide/openoffice/StatusbarController/dist/StatusBarController.oxt
  starting the Office with ...
user installation: file:///home/arielconstenlahaile/java/ide/openoffice/StatusbarController/build/soffice_debug debug options: "-Xdebug" "-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=localhost:10280"
preparation finished.


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina



"Aus der Kriegsschule des Lebens
                - Was mich nicht umbringt,
        macht mich härter."
                Nietzsche Götzendämmerung, Sprüche und Pfeile, 8.

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