On 12/08/08 15:49, ccornell - OpenOffice.org wrote:
Thank you and Frank for this :) I didn't noticed the More... link at
first sight, I think the first reaction is to click on the more
prominent link, so I  for myself, prefer the first proposal you made
with less to read at the first look. However I really like the hidden
text blocks. I'll try to make a proposal tomorrow.

I've tinkered a little with the layout Frank came up with and put it here: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Talk:Documentation/testpage (larger fonts, shorter descriptions etc.) Maybe this will help with making it clear there is a 'More...' link. Converting it to the original idea is not really possible with the extension. There are limitations to how the information can be displayed, and linked.

Once we find a way of presenting the info for the Doc project in a way that makes sense, we can start to look at how we can categorize and group the information we have. For now, the links/topics/resources are more an indication than final group/topic proposals.

- Can we (should we) use different icons for different topic types (using the OOo Galaxy icon style/set)?
 - Who are the people looking for info?  The audience?
 - What are the high level tasks that we can use for grouping topics?
 - What books and content do we actually have?


this really looks great. However, I would like to rearrange the links a little bit:

- remove the artificial split up between Topics and Resources. Users who want help and information don't care if they get help from a topic or a resource information source.

- clearly divide the information sources between "User Help" and "Developer/Admin Help". The links to developer/admin information only distract normal users from finding help.

- Add a highly visible link to "How to improve the help". This is a Wiki at all, and we want the user to participate and share.

- No normal user should need to scroll down to find the most often wanted help information. No user should be urged to read one and a half column of links and text until he/she finds the FAQ or the How Tos.

- The link to Forums currently doesn't work. An additional link to the mailing lists main page should be added.

- The link names and the descriptions should contain the terms that user are used to search when they want help. For example, user who search the manuals don't find any manuals now. They are named different - but how?

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  Technical Writer
  StarOffice - Sun Microsystems, Inc. - Hamburg, Germany

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