On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 11:12 AM, Steffen <i...@apachelounge.com> wrote:

> I went earlier back, so I did a .dsp/GUI build with no issues.
> Build with SVN revision 1736328.
> Running looks also fine sofar.

Glad to hear, thanks for testing.  I've updated the commit log message
to more clearly explain the intent and avoid future confusion;

+Going forwards, keep win32 build in svn once a tree is stable.
+Visual Studio 2010 users cannot convert our .dsp files, and
+ddk toolchain users couldn't either.
+Applies the same logic as r1100294 on the 2.2.x branch.
 Until the cmake build schema is entirely mature, these files
 are needed for command-line builds of the 2.4 tree, and are
 expected to change very little until the EOL of 2.4 branch.
-The actual .dsp files are entirely unusable for any shipping
-version of MSVC/Visual Studio, while the .mak exports of these
-projects are usable on any flavor of the MS build environment.
+The .dsp source files are not directly usable for any shipping
+version of MSVC/Visual Studio (post-Visual Studio 97 release),
+while the .mak exports of these projects are usable on any flavor
+of the MS nmake build environment.  The .dsp source files are
+retained for those users wishing to import these projects into
+the modern vcproj/sln file format.

Hope that is more clear, further edit suggestions are welcome.



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