Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:

> On 21 janv. 07, at 18:21, Pavel Janík wrote:
>>> Is it really necessary to subscribe to and read so many mailing
>>> lists, in order to do a reasonable job as a translator?
>> You don't need to subscribe to the mailing list to be able to read
>> it so your question doesn't make sense.
> It is not her question that does not make sense, but the original
> answer: "subscribe there to get the info to your one and only question".
>> I feel that you have never worked in so large project like OOo is.
> I don't want to talk for Clytie because she is big enough to do that
> herself, but your feeling is wrong.
> Or maybe you mean "messy" by "large", in which case, you may be
> right. As I pointed out earlier today: plenty of redundant
> information all over the place, but to get _the_ tiny bit the one
> misses the suggestion is to subscribe to _yet_ another mailing list...

I also dont want to speak for anyone but Clytie's good writing style can be
very useful for improving OLH overall quality.
Translators are all the time giving feedback to Help authors, as we must
read Help really carefully to translate it and even check is this all true
what is written. So we participate in docs project, do we want it or
not. :)
Btw, docs-devel mailing list is also mirrored via newsserver.


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