On 24/01/2007, at 1:35 AM, Uwe Fischer wrote:

Ain Vagula wrote:
On 1/20/07, Clytie Siddall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there any public document which describes the functions of the
strings in each Help file?

There is Help XML specification at
http://documentation.openoffice.org/files/documents/75/499/ XMLHelpSpec10.pdf

please only use the current document that is liked at http:// documentation.openoffice.org/online_help/index.html

Uwe, this is excellent information: I like the way it is presented. But I still can't find which part of the translation files (helpcontents2) does what?

In particular, I want to give priority to translating the tooltips. Can you tell me which part of Help provides those?

I've been working on the Shared directory, because I thought that would maximize the probability of the translations being used, if they were used in different components of OpenOffice.org. But I really have no idea what is used where. :S

So thankyou for any help you can offer with this. :)

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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