Just for clarity, I don't test on the ofbiz "DEmO"
I give links in responses to questions or ask them to run their steps on the server to make sure we are talking about the same thing. I apologize if it seems I am demanding, by letting you know what I see that is transitional most of the time. It was meant to be helpful.
I really do appreciated your efforts, and please get some rest.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  
Specialtymarket.com  <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Jacques Le Roux sent the following on 12/9/2010 3:27 PM:

From: "BJ Freeman" <bjf...@free-man.net>
Thanks for you view on my motives.
From what Jacques states the server has max hardware resources.
so what resources are you referring to?
I since I have a similar server running more than what Jacques has
stated, and it runs, I am at a loss on how to work on the ofbiz demo.
I have been focused as much as I am allowed on this for almost a year.
considering posting five urls at the same time should not effect a
server, I don't see that as testing the limits of the server.

Which URLs? It really depends on them... Artifact Info, Entity
Maintenance, Label Manager, etc. are good culprits... This does not mean
that we can't use Entity Maintenance on the demo server, nor even
Artifact Info. But it depends on the number of people which are using
them at the same time. And when it's down, it's down: you will have to
wait a good soul (not sleeping, like me in some mins) to reload the demo
instance... Webtools are not all days tools for a production server... I
will suggest to use rather such tools locally... Does it make sense?



Scott Gray sent the following on 12/9/2010 1:47 PM:
Everybody works on the areas of the system that are important to
them, I suggest you do the same.

The demo server is under-resourced so of course you're going to be
able to bring it down if you try to, my suggestion is that you don't
try to.


HotWax Media

On 10/12/2010, at 10:32 AM, BJ Freeman wrote:

there is a thread on the user ML about the demo being slow.
I would think that would be a high priority for all those that
commit and make changes to ofbiz.
after all what good is all this stuff if it can't be used.
I brought down the demo trunk by accessing with seperate requests at
one time, as I stated on the user ml.

lets focus on real problems.

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