From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
> From: "Nicolas Malin" <>
>> Le 15/11/2012 08:49, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
>>> I don't see much activity recently
>>> Should we not focus a bit more on it?
>>> Jacques
>> Hi all,
>> To continue on slim-down effort, I propose to work on a POC.
>> We define the expected to manage component on extra.
>> We select a component or subject to move from OFBiz to extra and a 
>> delivery date.
> I think we should also refer to "[PROPOSAL] from specialpurpose to extras" 
> thread here.
> I even wonder if Jacopo did not make a more recent (and flexible) proposition 
> with which I totaly agreed (during fall, it seems to me but, I can't find 
> it), Jacopo?
> Maybe before going on this we would create an evolving wiki page to state the 
> current situation, ideas, consensus and future.
> I personnaly begin to lose the focus, a sole place to look at would be 
> easier. 
> There are a lot of good ideas, we need to pick the better (by consensus of 
> course ;o)

I created (just 
a mock for now, feel free to do what you want...)

>> Each contributor wishing to work on it, would propose a solution to move 
>> and use a component on extra, open an issue containing the process, 
>> management and the example with selected component.
>> After the delivery date, we check avantage/disavantage of each 
>> proposition and vote to choose the favorite solution.
>> Write a best pratice to move/create a component on extra usable by OFBiz.
>> Then we can start with this process
>>  * proposal/vote
>>  * open jira issue
>>  * write information on extras.html
>>  * run move
> It sounds like this could be in the page I proposed to create.
> Before going further I believe we need to clarify in all minds, get consensus 
> and then work on them
> My 2cts
> Jacques
>> The aim isn't to define what to do but how to contribute when the goal 
>> will be fixed.
>> Your opinions ?
>> Nicolas
>> -- 
>> Nicolas MALIN
>> Consultant
>> Tél :
>> Site projet :
>> -------
>> Société LibrenBerry
>> Tél :
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