Hi there!

Kohei Yoshida wrote:
On Thu, 2007-11-08 at 16:47 +0100, Bernd Eilers wrote:

Anyhow you certainly don´t want to break that semi-automatic process to generate Release Notes and volunteer to offer to parse a few hundred specifications in a few hundred different plain text based formats

So, is that true that we have a few hundred new features going in to
each release?  If that's true, I'd agree for the need of automation but
I have my doubt that that is really the case.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

Just have a look at http://development.openoffice.org/releases/2.3.0.html to get an impression, these are the actucal release notes for the 2.3.0 user Release.

And that´s the result of what we currently semi-automatically generated for the 2.0.3 Release by parsing (or not being able to parse) specification documents.

Note that everywhere where there is a "feature-info:" in the "Spec. abstract" column of the Release Notes the process used a dirty fallback to use information from the feature announcement mail instead of using information from the specification because either a specification was not available at all or was not usable because it was not conform to one of the specification templates. Our aim should IMNHO be to keep those "feature-info:" fallbacks small and use the stuff the specification writers wrote instead. Currently that´s the first paragraph of the abstract which will be copied to the Release Notes interim document.

The generation of the interim document checks which issues have been fixed for all ChildWorkspaces that have been integrated between this Release and the last Release and which corresponding feature-announcements and specifications we have. Keeping track about all that without some kind of automation is kind of hard, don´t you think so?


Kind regards,
Bernd Eilers

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