Hi Guys, 

I would share my experience and feelings as a new and fresh user on
Apache Royale, hope it will help... 

The background : 

I'm a Flex developper since about 10 years. I love it because for me
it's (was...for flashplayer) the fastest way to do something that would
have same render on all browser. Also no lost time on script config or
something else, just launch FlexBuilder set sdk main folder path and
play with it, no headaches ...a real dream for a dev guy. At beginning I
learned Flex essentialy with "TourDeFlex" and "Component style
explorer", and after with somes blogs and articles dealing with
componant life cycle and other interessing stuff 

All my customer are happy because of the short time of devs. When Adobe
announce end of life of flashplayer plugin in browser, solutions like
Angular, React, etc, seems to me and other devs guys from my sourronding
a back to the past. I play a little with these frameworks but for me
it's not the solution : you need to know bootstrap, css, html,
javascript,etc..., this is a real nightmare... and dev time would be
multiply by 2 or 3 on projects even small or big ones. So we move ours
app to Air for those which doesn't need the browser use. 

Discover of Royale: 

I discover Royale because of search for alternate solutions to quick
make browser applications. As I remember, when I meet Michael Chaize 6
or 7 years ago at Montpellier (France), he tells that FalconJS will be
the futur to output Flex content to Javascript. Unfortunaly I thought it
was death because the lack of communication on it. Now I reborn using
Royale, play with it since 2 weeks when I have some time to learn more.
For me, Apache Royale has a huge potential, unfortunaly not enougth

At first looking, I throught that the sdk was far to do some usefull
advances things, the Royale site seemed to me a little desert, lack of
documentation, some page with empty content (this was my feeling, I
know, how the fantastic works you do, and go on I'm fan). Looking at SOF
on "Apache Royale" tag throught me that there were a very small
community. But I discover TourDeJewel which made me want to know more
about it and do a quick try. But for this I wanted to do a very quick
dev test, I wanted to be able to run an helloword in about 15mins. I
search for a tutorial on how to quick start. The "Get Started" from
Royale site affraid me : help !!! I don't have time to read all theses
explanations to build an helloword... I was about to abandon the idea to
do an helloword until I find this :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bak1zoAXSMg It could be shorter and if
configs files were in a link it would be great. This video is for my
personnal case why succes to do an helloword and wanted to more and more
dig on Apache Royale. Without this video perhaps I would go away from

Now : 

- Will I use Royale to convert big applications I have done ? 

Honestly, I don't know yet because I have more to learn, and some
aspects like Datagrid, itemRenderer, video play are unknow for me now.
(I don't know if it's right working, but I will test it) 

- Will I use Royale to make new browser content ? 

Yes ! Yes ! Certainly, all the mains components seems to be here (I just
have difficult with scrollable Datagrid that I didn't succes to use and
I didn't try performance with big number of lines like 6000 lines). I
don't think I loose my time learning Royale because mains contributors
like you guys take care about questions from other users and efforts to
do your best, 

- Will I tell around me to use Royale  ? 

Yes ! as soon I will show them what I have done with 

My others feelings, issues and thinkings: 

- Royale seems to me easy to use after do a first try and understanding
the difference between all library (js, j, mx, etc...), and concept like
beads. I like to be able to compile without have to make big change in
config files and without spend my time on setting paths config. I don't
really know what's happen when I clic on debug button and I don't really
want to know except if it's necessary. I discover that using browser
tools while debuging is a quick way to lookup css style in code. 

- sometimes I don't know where to put beads (beads dealing with
databindings or css does it global scope or not ...) 

- I see some reading on "reflection" (when using mx I beleve) but I
don't really know what is it and if i's important or not 

- sometimes I do a mix of j(jewel) and js(basic) in mxml but I don't
know if it's a good practice or not. It seems it's working except for

- It isn't clear for me why there are 2 versions of SDK. One To create
JavaScript applications only and the other (JavaScript + Flash) . Why
need to create Flash application as we can't use it after 2020 ? Does it
because the possibility to make Air apps ? Or the possibility to use a
swc as a library in javascript ? I will dig this later... 

- I don't know how components lifecycle are working to try to optimize
my code 

- are all the views created on startup ? (defered content, etc) 

- as the javascript seems to start before connect to debugger, it's
difficult to know what happens on a starting app. I suppose there is a
trick to wait for the debbuger connect and go on 

- my feeling is that Royale is ready to use in product environnement and
I hope to see soon v1.0.0 

- for new user I think a 10 mins video showing from scratch to do an
helloword with some IDE (Moonshine, vscode, etc) would be great (1 video
by IDE) and facilitate the first step 

- I would prefer to have a new version of sdk every 2 months instead of
one every year with more content, for 2 reasons : first it should be
quick to adapt old code because not a lot of changed between versions
and I don't need to wait a long time for a sdk bug fix 

- I like++ "exemple" folder in SDK this is a real source of knowledge on
how to use Royale 

- I would like to be able to build sdk on a simple clic to help you and
participate to fix obvious bug, but it seems to me not to be
straightforward (perhaps later), so I do a PR code only on easy things,
and prefer to bring you smallest tests cases of issues I found. 

One last word : I would like the existance of Royale to be more know, I
wish to Royale become more and more used by people, thanks to you guys
for all your hard work and please continue this way this is the road of


Le 10.10.2019 09:51, Harbs a écrit :

> Hearing from new users what the roadblocks are, is very useful. To me, Royale 
> feels very plug and play, but I know it well. It's hard to see the roadblocks 
> to new users when you have been involved for a long time.
> Thinking back to the days I was learning Flex, I think it was easy to learn 
> it because:
> 1. Flex Builder (or Flash Builder -- depending when you started with it) was 
> fully integrated. The new project wizards were very helpful.
> 2. Flex in a Week was very useful to me to learn the concepts. I remember 
> going through Flex in a Week while I was in the hospital with a relative many 
> years ago...
> 3. There were lots of blog posts and example code for many common use cases.
> What do you think the most important point are for us to make Royale more 
> accessible?
> Thanks,
> Harbs

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