On 9/13/07, Jim Cushing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A Maven archetype should get you around any license/distribution
> issues,

Yes and no. We have to be careful to make it *very* clear to the
general public that by utilizing such a prototype they will be
creating an application that is not under the Apache License, and any
application that the create may be covered by another license.

The guiding point is that the general public has an expectation that
any software obtained from an ASF project is not encumbered by any
license more restrictive than the Apache License.

So, yes, we can distribute such a prototype, but we need to warn
people about the licensing  encumbrance if they use that prototype. A
prototype that includes a dependency with a more restrictive license
might be fine for an alternative setup, but it wouldt be problematic
for anything we were going to call the "standard" setup.

Of course, sadly, Hibernate is under the LGPL, which the FSF insists
is not compatible with the Apache License <deep-melancholy-sigh/> :(

See also: http://people.apache.org/~cliffs/3party.html


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