Am Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2015, 18:33:15 schrieb Florent Daigniere:
> On Wed, 2015-10-14 at 14:22 -0500, Ian Clarke wrote:
> > I think it's time for us all to take a step back and have a serious
> > conversation about where we are, and where we are going.
> > 
> Sounds good. So let's sum it up:
> Yesterday we thought we were in a world where we didn't need Freenet
> and where we couldn't possibly face a passive global adversary.
> Today we know that we need Freenet more than ever... and that we face
> at least one active, global adversary.
> Is "pretending that Opennet can work" still the official project's
> line?

I’ve been saying for quite some time “Opennet is what we need to make
it possible for users to join, Darknet is where we want them as soon
as possible”. And I did not hear anyone argumenting against that. Not
in the past year.

I’m actively using Darknet features so I see where they
suck. Node-to-Node messages are pretty cool, but plagued by usability
issues. And the one thing we need to spread Darknet has been living in
plan-land for years: Darknet invites which connect automatically (via
one-time tokens).

I want to be able to give every one of my friends a USB stick with a
Freenet installer which auto-connects to my Freenet node or my
friends. We have everything needed for that — except for the actually
important code (one-time tokens + FOAF-connecting).

Though, to stop the complaining, I didn’t manage to do that myself
either. I have sufficient skills for that nowadays, just the free
creative time is missing.

Best wishes,

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